The year 1950 represents the beginnings of the company KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín, when the technical and design department was relocated from the Škoda Plzeň factory to the city of Trenčín and a prototype workshop focusing on armament production in Dubnica nad Váhom. After the construction of suitable premises in Trenčín, the national company Konštrukta Trenčín was established from these workplaces by the deed of incorporation of the Ministry of General Engineeing no. 175 of 15 December 1952 with effect from the 1st January 1953. The object of the business was to provide research and development of medium and heavy weapons, including ammunition and accessories for these weapons. The company gained several awards for the successful implementation of the development of production of products required by central state administration bodies, thus proving its viability.
In 1959, the company developed a progressive technology, which was protected by patent of Czechoslovakia – Screw Extrusion Filling of Artillery Shells and Mortar Bombs with TNT. The first order for this commodity was the development and production of SA-1.
In the 60´s Konštrukta took advantage of the effort of state authorities to ensure the defence of the state, and therefore a favourable situation arose for the development of the defence industry. However, the Konštrukta began to grow territorially and the first addition was the workplace in Brno, which had a special role – it dealt with contactless lighters for rockets.
The seventies and eighties brought development of technology for filling of ammunition and namely triple-spindle SA-3 Screw Extrusion Filling Machine as well as new development of single-spindle SA-5 Filling Machine. Furthermore, there were developed and produced the new double-spindle SA-6 and SA-7 Filling Machines. Filling of artillery shells and mortar bombs by method of heated screw was recommended to apply in all countries of the Warsaw Pact.
In the following decades, the development and production of special and civil production continues alternately. And the development and supply of technological lines for the field of engineering and metallurgical production, packaging lines for the food industry are carried out. Besides development of special technologies, the company successfully performed research and development in the field of weapon systems and ammunition.
After 1989, the position of the company by the state is significantly weakened by subsequent organizational changes and there is a significant decline in special production.
On October 1st, 1993, the Ministry of Economy decided to liquidate the state-owned company Konštrukta and two separate state-owned companies were established – KONŠTRUKTA – Defence and KONŠTRUKTA – Industry, akciová spoločnosť. In 1996 the state transformed the state-owned company into a joint-stock company.
In the year 2016 KONŠTRUKTA - Industry, akciová spoločnosť has been separated to the two core businesses - civil and defence. Independent company KONŠTRUKTA – Industry, akciová spoločnosť has been founded.